References to Editorials

If you click on the links below, then you will be able to retrieve the relevant editorial from Environment and Planning B in the last ten years

Batty M, (with Cheshire, J.) 2012, ” Visualisation Tools for Understanding Big Data”, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39(3) 413 – 415   Full-text PDF size: 217 Kb

Batty M, 2012, “Smart Cities, Big Data”, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39(2) 191 – 193  Full-text PDF size: 49 Kb

Batty M, Cheshire J, 2011, “Cities as flows, cities of flows” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 38(2) 195 – 196  Full-text PDF size: 41 Kb

Batty M, 2010, “The pulse of the city” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 37(4) 575 – 577  Full-text PDF size: 52 Kb

Batty M, 2010, “When the web is woven” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 37(2) 195 – 196  Full-text PDF size: 44 Kb

Batty M, 2008, “Whither network science?” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 35(4) 569 – 571  Full-text PDF size: 49 Kb

Batty M, 2007, “The real-time academy: anyplace, anywhere, anytime” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 34(6) 947 – 948   Full-text PDF size: 42 Kb

Batty M, Hudson-Smith A, 2006, “Digital cornucopias: changing conceptions of the virtual city” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 33(6) 799 – 802 
 Full-text PDF size: 53 Kb

Batty M, 2006, “Public sector information: chains of added value” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 33(2) 163 – 164  Full-text PDF size: 41 Kb

Batty M, 2006, “Icons of the early 21st century: 2: security and surveillance” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 33(1) 1 – 2  Full-text PDF size: 50 Kb

Batty M, 2005, “Icons of the early 21st century: 1: storage and search” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 32(2) 161 – 162  Full-text PDF size: 41 Kb

Batty M, 2003, “Unwired cities” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 30(6) 797 – 798  Full-text PDF size: 46 Kb

Batty M, 2003, “The next big thing: surveillance from the ground up” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 30(3) 325 – 326  Full-text PDF size: 45 Kb